Upon request, we also carry out PHYSIOTHERAPY at HOME



  • Plagiocephaly (infantile torticollis)
  • Pediatric and Neuropediatric Physiotherapy
  • Scoliosis-Hyperkyphosis-Hyperlordosis
  • Postural gymnastics
  • Traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation
  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Decontracting massage


  • Pre-post surgical physiotherapy
  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Decontracting Massages - Manual Therapy
  • Lumbago
  • Neck pain
  • Tecar Therapy
  • High Power Lasers
  • Magnetotherapy


  • Pregnancy: scars - abdominal diastasis - prolapse
  • Constipation
  • Urinary incontinence - Gas - Fecal
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain (vaginismus - vulvodynia - dyspareunia - menstrual pain)
  • Menopause
  • Recurring cystitis
  • Candide - Urinary infections – Lichen
  • Post-prostatectomy rehabilitation


Personalized physiotherapy sessions and for small groups.

The presence in our Center of other professional figures, such as physiatrist, orthopaedist, neuropsychomotor specialists, neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychologist, speech therapist and dietician , allows you to carry out a complete route obtaining the best results.


Giacomuzzi Dott.ssa Reneta

Vedi Curriculum Vitae della Dott.ssa Giacomuzzi Renata

Giacomuzzi Dr Renata Curriculum Vitae

Graduated from the University of Verona, and for 12 years professor, at the same, of the degree course in physiotherapy in the module "Methodology of rehabilitation in the developmental age."

Vigone Dott. Francesco

Vedi Curriculum Vitae della Dott. Vigone Francesco

Vigone Dr. Francesco Curriculum Vitae

PHYSIOTHERAPIST - he also completed the CME Course for Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Perfetti method and is about to complete the Osteopathy Pathway of the "Buckinghamshire New University"

Scamelotto Filippo

Vedi Curriculum Vitae della Scarmelotto Filippo

Scarmelotto Filippo Curriculum Vitae


Casotta Dott.ssa Ripalta

Vedi Curriculum Vitae della Dott.ssa Casotta Ripalta

Casotta Dott.ssa Ripalta Curriculum Vitae

PHYSIOTHERAPIST SINCE 2012 she has specialized in the treatment of Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Post-Prostatectomy Rehabilitation"

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da Lunedì a Venerdì:
Mattina 10.30-12.30
  Pomeriggio 14.30-19.30

Direttore Sanitario: Dott. Schiavon Roberto
Medico Chirurgo Spec. in Ortopedia e Traumatologia

Ortopedia Traumatologia Neuro ortopedia Chirurgia generale Pediatria generale Fisiatria Recupero fisioterapico post chirurgia Psicomotricità Neuropsicomotricità Logopedia Allergologia Ginecologia
Risonanza magnetica articolare spalla - gomito - polso - mano - ginocchio - caviglia - piede Diagnosi della displasia di anca nel neonato Ecografia muscolare scheletriche Ecografia cardiaca (eco color doppler) Ecografia venosa e arteriosa Ecografia tronchi sovraortici Ecografia addominiale Ecografia ginecologica

© 2023-2024 Helios S.r.l. - Via Ludovico Lazzaro Zamenhof, 829 - 36100 Vicenza (VI) - P.IVA IT04044750240

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