• Difunctional and positional plagiocephaly
  • Regurgitation, colic
  • Inconsolable weeping; difficulty in sleep-wake rhythms
  • Treatment after traumatic birth with upper and lower limb problems (collarbone fractures, clubfoot, etc...)
  • Treatment after dystocia delivery
  • Craniosacral treatment


  • Lumbar or dorsal back pain
  • Sciatalgia
  • Lower limb fatigue
  • Craniosacral treatment


  • Rebalance pelvic floor, pelvis
  • Craniosacral treatment


  • Accompaniment through rebalancing of the bone structure in cases of low back pain, scoliosis, pain in the upper/lower limbs, traumatic events
  • Visceral problems, gastritis, colitis, constipation


  • Lower limb pathologies
  • Hip problems, difficulty walking, sprained foot, knee
  • Pathologies of the spine
  • Lower back pain support
  • Neck pain/whiplash
  • Upper limb problems
  • Pain in the shoulder, elbow, hand
  • Abdominal pain
  • Craniosacral treatment


Bassanese Barbara

View Bassanese's resume here

Bassanese Barbara Curriculum Vitae

Dario Bettella

Graduated in Physical Therapy from the University of Verona
Diploma in Osteopathy from the European Institute for Osteopathic Medicine, Padova
Bettella has been practising in clinics and private health centers for over 20 years.

View Bettella's resume here

Bettella Dario Curriculum Vitae


Osteopathy was created in the U.S.A. by Andrew Taylor Still at the end of the nineteenth century; it is an ideology that puts forward and idea of a tissue layer that “links every part of the body with every other part”.

"Osteopaty is the rule of movement, matter and spirit, where matter and spirit can not manifest without movement; therefore we osteopaths affirm that the movement is the expression of life” .
(Still, A.T., 1892)

Osteopathy was recognized in 2002 by the World Health Organization for promoting and maintaining health and it is part of Non Conventional Medicine.


Osteopathy is an exclusively manual discipline working on the patient’s body, without using medications or equipments. It aims to restore the correct mobility to all body parts allowing it to function at its best.

Osteopathy is based on a precise knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the human body.
It deals with the rehabilitation and the maintenance of the human physiology and disease prevention.

Ostheopatic manipulation is directly used to treat musculoskeletal problems and internal organs indirectly, in order to improve mobility and function.

The major principles of osteopathic medicine are:

  • The body is an integrated unit of mind, body and spirit.
  • Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
  • The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms, having the inherent capacity to defend, repair, and remodel itself.
  • Rational therapy is based on consideration of the first three principles.

Good health will result from the correct interrelationships between structures of the body. Structures function will be altered when the mobility is altered.
Osteopathy gives the same importance to symptoms as to causes.

Osteopathy is founded on the concept of the interrelationships between systems and also on the ability and the knowledge that the osteopath has of the human body and on the perception they have of the body’s tensions and imbalances.

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da Lunedì a Venerdì:
Mattina 10.30-12.30
  Pomeriggio 14.30-19.30

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